How to interpret your mold report?    
Air Cassette (Spore Traps, M11-M15):

1.    Mold spores are Raw numbers (actually how many mold spores are counted in a certain percentage reading, say, 25% reading of the whole impact area inside the cassette), and numbers in volume converted to standardized 1000 liters (how many mold spores in 1000 liters of sampled air).   
2.    Your samples were scanned 100%, then read at the indicated percentage (25%, 30 or 50%).  
3.    Some mold spores are grouped together due to morphological similarity.  
4.    Background debris indicates how clean or dirty you air is. Rating 1= 0-19%; 2=20-39%; 3=40- 59%;  4=60-79%; 5=80-100% covered by particulates, fibers, pollens,  mold spores/conidia, insect parts etc inside the impact area of the cassette.
5.    For abbreviation: Asperg=Aspergillus;  Clado=Cladosporium, Cladoph=Cladophialophora; Pith/Stem/Uloclad=Pithomyces/ Stemphylium / Ulocladium;  Zygo=Zygomycete; 
Direct Exam (Surface Samples from Tape M21, Swab M23, and Bulk Material M22):
1. Direct exam is qualitative and semi-quantitave, non-viable method,
    least expensive, yet relatively accurate;
2. Your sample material is scanned 100%, then read represantitively;
3. Some mold spores are grouped together due to morphological similarity.
4. Rating symbolizes: Rating symbolizes: 1= 1-10 spores (Light); 2=11-1000 spores (Medium); 3= 1000+ spores (Heavy).  Hyphal fragments are counted same as spores.
5. Semi-quantitation is based on roughly 1cm2 tape, or similar size bulk material,
     or similar size created by smearing a swab.
Culturable Molds on Medium Plates (M31-M37):
1. Mold colonies are CFU (colony forming units) numbers which are converted in 1000 liter volume (M31); 
2. Or mold colonies in original sample, per swab or 1 gram, of 1 cm2 surface,
     i.e. colonies in plates x dilution times (M33);
3. Testing M32 reflects real reading in plates, which does not have air volume
     conversion nor dilution;
4. Some mold spores are grouped together due to morphological similarity.
5. Medium plates (M30 series) only test viable molds and yeasts. Nonviable fungi or
    bacteria are not counted.

Driking Water Test (Total coliform W11 and E. coli W12):
 1. Coliform bacteria are bacteria living in the digestive tracts  
   of humans and many warm-blooded animals, which include feccal  
   coliform and E. coli. E. coli is either from soil or animal   
    digestive tract.        
2. Presence of either total coliform or E. coli, or both, indicates 
    the water is contaminated.      
3. Drinking water test including W11 and W12 is a method approved  
    by EPA of USA (Environmental Protection Agency).   
4. "Not Pass" indicates contamination. "Pass" indicates the water
    is free of bacterial contamination in terms of coliform bacteria, water still may be having other contaminants.